Friday, 4 November 2016

How to use Printable Crossword Maker

Spread the word!

Printable Crossword Maker is an online tool to create crossword puzzles and word search activities. It is a user friendly and activities can be printed.

Creating your own material provides you with a stock for readymade activities to revisit whenever you want. Some online tools like this ones, make the process of creating original and relevant material that fits your learners' needs. This makes your material appropriate an reliable.  At the same time, it is very easy to use and time saving.

When looking specifically on crossword puzzles when find that students have the opportunity to practice their knowledge in vocabulary, reasoning and spelling. Crosswords bring the students the possibility of differentiating, finding and working with synonyms and antonyms. They are great to review previous knowledge and students are oriented towards the important topics. Moreover, game like activities increase the motivation some learner experience

Learn how to use Printable Crossword Maker from the tutorial below!

1. Enter the webstie You will enter the following website.

2. The website provides a number of option to create your puzzle including creating your own puzzle, creating a word search based on a reading assignment and making a word search from a list of words. In addition, it provides a set or pre-made puzzles arranged by categories.

3. We will click on "Make a Crossword Puzzle" to create our own crossword.

4. You will be directed to the following page in which you will fill the information for the puzzle. Add a title and a description for the assignment.

5. Complete the Word and Hint column with the words and the hints for each word in the crossword.

6. Scroll down when you have included all the words and click on "Create Crossword Puzzle"

7. Your puzzle will be displayed and ready to be printed!


Sharma, P. & Barrett,B. (2007) Blended Learning: Using technology in and beyond the language

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