This is a
suggested activity to apply Penzu to your classroom.
Grade: High School – Senior II and over
Level: Intermediate
During a history
lesson in high school, teachers usually tackle the events leading to WWI and
WWII as well as the events that developed during war. While working with the
syllabus, students can be asked to work on Pezu to summarize what the y have
learnt during each lesson.
Starting with
the events that lead to the First World War, students will be asked to pretend
to be journalists keeping a private journal about the events. Each entry should
be written in first person and make as real as possible by adding feelings and
real events to their writings. Visit the links below to see examples:
The entries
have to follow a chronological order and should be shared with the teacher via
email or by sharing the public links to their posts on weekly bases. Students
will be graded according to the accuracy of the information in their posts, the
selection of the information included, creativity of their posts as well as due dates.
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