Monday, 24 October 2016

Activity using

This is an activity to apply to your classroom

Grade: 2nd Grade - 3rd Grade
Level: Beginners

Most school in Argentina still do not count with the necessary equipment to provide access to a computer to all students. If this is your case, is a great option to bring techonology into the classroom by taking students to the computer room. They will not have to create any accounts or worksheets and the teacher will be able to communicate to students the necessary procedures to carry out in the computer. can be used for any topic or unit that you are working on. 

Here is a suggestion to work with

After working with animals vocabulary and animal habitats, students can get extra practice from two worksheets from The teacher can design a Sorting activity by asking students to classify a set of animals into their correct habitat to later on move on to an open question activity where students will have describe an animal using the structures HAVE GOT/ HAS GOT, HAVEN'T GOT / HASN'T GOT, CAN/ CAN'T, IS/ISN'T.

This activitites can be carried out in pairs or individually. The teacher will prepare all computer in the computer room beforehand and will creat the necessary groups on the webpage to share the worksheets with. The evaluatio will be done according to the system presented by or by the student's production based on the correct use of the grammar structures, spelling, creativity and applying to the task's requeriments.

Check out how to use here!

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