Here is an activity to apply to your classroom
Grade: 7th Grade
Level: Elementary can be used for any language topic you deal with. It provides the opportunity to practice vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening, speaking, etc,
This time I propose an activity based on Literature. After reading the book "Taste and Other Tales" students can play a game in teams to answer questions about the different stories. The activity will be designed so that the different categories will be portrayed by the different stories and the questions will be more complex as the amount of points go up.
See the sample below:
Later on, students will be asked to create their own to share with the rest of the class based on the different stories or books tackled in the course. The game will be designed in pairs. The activity will be graded based on understainding of the story through the designed questions and answers, how relevant to the story the questions are, due date and commitment to the task.
Check out how to use here!
Sunday, 30 October 2016
How to use
is an online tool that allows you create a Jeopardy game-like activity to
review any content taught. The tool provides a fixed structure containing 6
columns and 6 lines to complete with the categories, questions and answers you
would like to apply to the game. It will also provide the amount of points that
each question will give to the teams participating. Up to 4 teams will be
allowed to play. The tool will add up the points automatically and will provide
a winner by the end of the game. allows a great number of games
to be created and recycled whenever you need.
Variety in the
type of activities we bring into the classroom is key to catch out student’s
attention. A Jeopardy game is a great alternative to make learning fun which
always attracts our students’ attention. This tool has the extra advantage of
bringing technology into the classroom and a new and original way of practicing
language and assessing performance. At the same time, this tool brings to the
teacher the possibility of creating authentic and personalized material.
Check out this tutorial to try it out!
Dudeney, G., & Hockly, N. (2007). How to teach English with technology. Harlow: Pearson/Longman. (n.d.). Retreived October 30, 2016, from
Monday, 24 October 2016
Activity using
This is an activity to apply to your classroom
Grade: 2nd Grade - 3rd Grade
Level: Beginners
Most school in Argentina still do not count with the necessary equipment to provide access to a computer to all students. If this is your case, is a great option to bring techonology into the classroom by taking students to the computer room. They will not have to create any accounts or worksheets and the teacher will be able to communicate to students the necessary procedures to carry out in the computer. can be used for any topic or unit that you are working on.
Here is a suggestion to work with
After working with animals vocabulary and animal habitats, students can get extra practice from two worksheets from The teacher can design a Sorting activity by asking students to classify a set of animals into their correct habitat to later on move on to an open question activity where students will have describe an animal using the structures HAVE GOT/ HAS GOT, HAVEN'T GOT / HASN'T GOT, CAN/ CAN'T, IS/ISN'T.
This activitites can be carried out in pairs or individually. The teacher will prepare all computer in the computer room beforehand and will creat the necessary groups on the webpage to share the worksheets with. The evaluatio will be done according to the system presented by or by the student's production based on the correct use of the grammar structures, spelling, creativity and applying to the task's requeriments.
Check out how to use here!
Grade: 2nd Grade - 3rd Grade
Level: Beginners
Most school in Argentina still do not count with the necessary equipment to provide access to a computer to all students. If this is your case, is a great option to bring techonology into the classroom by taking students to the computer room. They will not have to create any accounts or worksheets and the teacher will be able to communicate to students the necessary procedures to carry out in the computer. can be used for any topic or unit that you are working on.
Here is a suggestion to work with
After working with animals vocabulary and animal habitats, students can get extra practice from two worksheets from The teacher can design a Sorting activity by asking students to classify a set of animals into their correct habitat to later on move on to an open question activity where students will have describe an animal using the structures HAVE GOT/ HAS GOT, HAVEN'T GOT / HASN'T GOT, CAN/ CAN'T, IS/ISN'T.
This activitites can be carried out in pairs or individually. The teacher will prepare all computer in the computer room beforehand and will creat the necessary groups on the webpage to share the worksheets with. The evaluatio will be done according to the system presented by or by the student's production based on the correct use of the grammar structures, spelling, creativity and applying to the task's requeriments.
Check out how to use here!
How to use! Activities online
3. Once
you have accessed you will see the following page. Click on START NOW
is a free online tool that allows users to create their own online worksheets. All
worksheets may include videos, audio, images and text. The design of the
variety of question types are attractive and engaging. The different worksheets
that can be created range from multiple choice activities to open questions. provides the possibility of sending these worksheets to students through
any learning management system. In addition, allows you to save time
from grading and checking as it is done automatically for teachers to keep a
is a great approach to teaching. It allows you to create and use your own
electronic material inside and outside the classroom. As Dudeney and Hockley
(2007) say, creating your own material provides extra practice, consolidation
and review exercises. They also build up a collection of your own resources and
bring to class a change of pace that can be highly motivating.
Check put
the tutorial below to see how to use it.
1. Access the website”. First create an account by
clicking on the “JOIN” botton.
2. Complete the information required.
Not much is needed, just an existing email and a password
4. If you have already used this page you will see the following
page. Just click on “CREATE NEW WORKSHEET”
5. Once you have accessed a new
worksheet you will be ready to start creating. First, fill in he “Worksheet
info” by adding the Grade that your worksheet will be aimed at and the Category
to which the worksheet belongs to. You can also add a title to your worksheet
by clicking where it says “You title here…”
6. You can customize you worksheet by
selecting one of the different designs provided. Or by clicking on “Upload
cover image” at the corner of the page.
7. Now it’s time to move on to
selecting the type of worksheet or task you’d like to create. Choose one from
the different possibilities provided. In this case we will work on a Sorting
can now start filling in the different items of your worksheet until you have
completed them. In this case, the different categories for your matching
exercise have to be filled in with the correct answers. Once the worksheet is
completed and saved the items will be scrambled
can add new groups apart from the ones provided by clicking on “Add another
group”. Once you have finished adding all the items and information you click
on “Done"
order to save your work click on the “SAVE” button at the top of the page. If
you’d like to see a preview of your worksheet to check you work, click on the
“PREVIEW” button. The worksheet will be shown as below
12. In
order to share the worksheet with your students you’ll have to click on “2.
Assign to students” at the top of the page and complete the information
required. If you want to see the answers and scores your students got, click on
Activity using Penzu
This is a
suggested activity to apply Penzu to your classroom.
Grade: High School – Senior II and over
Level: Intermediate
During a history
lesson in high school, teachers usually tackle the events leading to WWI and
WWII as well as the events that developed during war. While working with the
syllabus, students can be asked to work on Pezu to summarize what the y have
learnt during each lesson.
Starting with
the events that lead to the First World War, students will be asked to pretend
to be journalists keeping a private journal about the events. Each entry should
be written in first person and make as real as possible by adding feelings and
real events to their writings. Visit the links below to see examples:
The entries
have to follow a chronological order and should be shared with the teacher via
email or by sharing the public links to their posts on weekly bases. Students
will be graded according to the accuracy of the information in their posts, the
selection of the information included, creativity of their posts as well as due dates.
How to use Penzu
Pezu! Get
your writing on!
Penzu is an
online tool that works as journal. Penzu gives you the possibility to
make your entries at any time and are automatically dated. It allows you to keep your
entries private as well as sharing them by email with any one you’d like or printing them. Registration is easy and does not demand much information.
According to Nik Peachy (2010). Penzu is an online tool that from which you can profit in a number of ways. It allows you to create online material to share with your students, it can be used to create a writing portfolio with class material and homework, you can send a summary of the class to your students as a reminder or to keep track of the topics dealt with, it can be used to send model writings for your students to have a reference of what you are asking for, among others.
"What' s great about using a tool like this is that it makes students written work much moreaccessible, they can integrate high quality images with the work and it remains as atangible record of their progress and achievements. It's also very content focused andthere is no fuss with formating or different fonts. It's just about the writing." (Peachy,2010)
Check out
this tutorial to see how Penzu works and try it yourself:
Peachy, N (2010) Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers from
Penzu (2016) Retreived October 20, 2016, from
Monday, 10 October 2016
Welcome All!
Hello to you and welcome to my blog!
This blog is aimed at those
ESL teachers who are interested in going beyond the usual classroom work. In it,
you will find different web-based tools that can help you complement and
enhance the regular classroom work.
Ever since the 1990s,
the Internet and technology have offered a great number of possibilities to use
web-based tools to apply to the teaching of a language. It presents
opportunities for communication and collaboration, it allows teachers to
present students authentic material and tasks as well as providing new ways of practicing
and assessing performance. In addition, technology has become an integrated
part of our students’ life so the use of technology increases motivation as the
student’s outside world is brought into the classroom. Because of this, we find
that Web 2.0 tools can be a great way to integrate technology and education.
But, what is Web
2.0? The Web 2.0 is mainly defined by the interactivity it provides. Users have
a more active participation as opposed to the Web 1.0 were users were limited
to the passive viewing of content. Web 2.0 tools are online programs that allow
users to interact and collaborate as well as create and publish content. Most
of these tools do not require downloading; they are most of the time free and
only require creating a user account. Some Web 2.0 sites include social media,
blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, among other platforms.
When thinking in terms
of education, we find that Web 2.0 tools allow exposure to authentic material
suitable for our students with real content in them, they encourage creativity as
genuine products are created, they allow for collaborative work between
students and between students and teachers, they widen they possibility of
socialization and they allow students and teachers to share their work.
With all this in mind,
I encourage you to explore this blog and find some useful web-based tools in
order to bring technology into the classroom. Even though you might feel that
this approach to the teaching of language is out of your element, this blog
will offer you simple and easy web-based tools along with tutorial and possible
activities to apply so don’t miss the opportunity to benefit from the wide
range of ICT tool. Thank you for taking the plunge!
Make sure to check out this WIKI to learn more about the different tools available to you!
Make sure to check out this WIKI to learn more about the different tools available to you!
- Chapter 1, “Technology in the classroom” in How to Teach English with Technology (Dudeney & Hockly, 2007)
- “Web 2.0 for teachers” (Peachey, N. 2010)
- A practice-based exploration of technology enhanced assessment for English Language Teaching. Chapter 6 in in Innovations in Learning Technologies for English Language Teaching (Motteran, Ed. 2013)
- Weblogs for Use with ESL Classes. (Campbell, A. 2003)
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